Poll on a Landmark Work: Your Take on Our Breakthrough Paper’s Design #

I’m proposing an extremely precise date for the Minoan eruption. #

With a background in computer science, I’ve applied rigorous research methodologies and synthesized evidence across multiple disciplines to provide a consensus date for this ancient cataclysm that occurred roughly 3500 years ago. This singular event has the potential to precisely date myriad occurrences over the course of a millennium.

By combining insights from archaeology, radiocarbon dating, geology, and records from ancient Egypt, among others, I propose a date with a staggering 3-month range as the most likely timing for the eruption. Many recent studies still present a wide range of uncertainty, often around ±100 years, while the most informed scholarship narrows it down to a decade or two.

My analysis builds on cutting-edge scholarship across fields, with the most up-to-date consensual knowledge.

It appears one recent battle between two labs encompasses most of the discourse. In my forthcoming paper, I plan to distill the essence of this debate, merging it with the few strongest, most relevant results from other fields to further dispel doubts and refine the eruption’s dating.

Take Egyptology for instance – a discipline where only about 200 individuals worldwide are versed in hieroglyphics and scholarly work is rare. Having delved into more than 500 books and papers on the subject, I find myself among a few who can communicate this knowledge in an accessible way.

I have ideas on what I think will make my paper more interesting, but I’m not sure, and so I’m curious.

With my paper of historical importance, I aim to craft a couple of beautiful-looking A4 pages that everyone will be glad to read. Here, not experts’, but your ideas are of utmost importance.

Case in Point Here's one very important paper - https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.1189395.
It's basically two A4 pages, a list of reports, a few paragraphs like "this is combined from such and such fields of research", no methodology described whatsoever adequately - and probability charts like this. This paper was quoted many hundreds times. Impressive? Indeed. Outstanding, I must admit.

Your answers will shape this work.

Any amount of feedback is appreciated - complete any number of fields.

Your quick thoughts are essential; here’s what will help: #

Example challenges There are numerous systemic issues that can work against positive results, with some of them stemming from established academic practices. For instance, many scholars may choose to write something ignorant in order to meet a deadline, rather than honestly saying "I hypothesize", and we don't want to clutter our minds with flawed thinking, or even see it.

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